I hear a common question – Why am I not Losing Weight? I’m eating less and exercising more, I’m counting my calories and doing cardio 5 days a week, and I’m not losing weight…  The 11 Biggest eye-opening Weight Loss Myths that are stopping your Weight Loss. These 11 myths are stopping so many people from living and looking the way they want. These weight loss myths have to be busted once and for all…

You must be overwhelmed with all the different weight loss advice out there. The most common advice being – “Eat Less, Move More”. Unlearn The 11 Biggest Weight Loss Myths that are stopping your Weight Loss and learn how to permanently lose weight using sustainable and healthy methods instead.

Many of us have been stuck in the yo-yo dieting circle, where we lose weight, regain it back and start all over again. Keep reading if you want to know how to break this cycle by learning what are the 11 things that you do to lose weight that actually do the opposite! These are the 11 biggest weight loss myths out there. After you read this article, weight loss will never be the same!


Why am I not Losing Weight? 11 Biggest Weight Loss Myths That You Should Know

Why am I not Losing Weight? 11 Biggest Weight Loss Myths That You Should Know


Before reading, make sure that you have an open-mind, I don’t want you to get offended or angry in any way, I’m only trying to help and I’m only telling the truth. These are the 11 Biggest Weight Loss Myths stopping your Weight Loss, that I must share with you, so that you would overcome your struggles and start getting permanent weight loss results!

I’m a nutritionist who struggled with weight loss years ago,  managed to unlearn the wrong information, learn the truth about weight loss, as who is now sharing with you the best science-based advice. I will cover the few most common weight loss myths that most people still believe in and which often prevent them from losing weight.

If you’re believing in these, they might be stopping you from getting into the shape you’ve always wanted. I want to inform you about these facts so that you would get better results!


Let’s get into the 11 Biggest Weight Loss Myths That You Should Know, so that you could get out of the circle of dieting where you constantly put in so much effort, don’t get long-term weight results, and keep asking the same question: “Why am I not Losing Weight??” We’re going to do this right this time.


1. Weight Loss Myth – Lose weight slowly – it’s safer.

Weight Loss Myth – Lose weight slowly – it’s safer

Weight Loss Myth – Lose weight slowly – it’s safer


The common belief that it is normal to lose only 1-2 lbs a week is just a bad joke. Nothing could be more dangerous than extra subcutaneous fat on the body. Any argument otherwise is foolish. Scientific studies indicate that diets that make people lose weight rapidly, such as the low carbohydrate diet, have higher overall weight loss results and are absolutely safe. The more weight you lose at the beginning – the better. It indicates about the overall success of the diet.


2. Weight Loss Myth – You should never fast or skip breakfast (or stop eating).

Weight Loss Myth - You should never fast or skip breakfast

Weight Loss Myth – You should never fast or skip breakfast


This is the common belief breakfast cereal companies have been pushing on us for decades. However, the truth is that Fasting is perfectly healthy. In fact, it has been proven inconclusive studies to help with weight loss, brain functioning, slowing down ageing, and having tons of other health benefits. Fasting triggers the process of autophagy, which breaks down and recycles dysfunctional proteins and cellular debris.


This is similar to taking out the trash and cleaning up around the house – a process you’d hope would be taking place in your body on a frequent basis. However, snacking constantly and never fasting creates this situation where the “trash” is never cleaned out and body wares of faster, creating all sorts of health issues.


By the way, humans who lived before us did not have such an abundance of food as we do now and would eat only every other day. We are not evolved to eat all the time and in fact, are harming ourselves and creating chronic inflammation by never giving our bodies enough time to rest from digesting food. We need a little break.


3. Weight Loss Myth – Cardio is the ultimate way to burn fat.

Weight Loss Myth – Cardio is the ultimate way to burn fat

I’m counting my calories and doing cardio 5 days a week, and I’m not losing weight. Weight Loss Myth – Cardio is the ultimate way to burn fat.


I constantly hear: “I’m doing cardio 5 times a week and not losing weight”. Well, that is no wonder. In some cases, especially if you are stressed already, cardio can make things worse. Actually, this is a very outdated way of fat burning. For one, it’s incredibly inefficient and only burns around 300 calories per session. For comparison, that’s about the number of calories in one Starbucks muffin.


Secondly, it has been proven to cause hunger, cravings and lead to binge eating. The LAST THING you want when dieting is crazy cravings. This is why cardio is a pretty silly idea for those looking to lose weight fast. Don’t get me wrong, cardio has some great health benefits, however, you shouldn’t rely on it alone when trying to lose weight, it can make things worse. Try going for long walks instead.


4. Weight Loss Myth – Exercise A LOT when trying to lose weight.

Why am I not Losing Weight? I'm eating less and exercising more, I'm counting my calories and doing cardio 5 days a week, and I'm not losing weight.

Over-exercising can slow down your weight loss.


Your results will come from 80% diet and 20% exercise. Exercise plays a much smaller role in weight loss than most people realize. It’s not that you shouldn’t be doing it… It just is not NEARLY as important as focusing on what you’re eating.


 5. Weight Loss Myth – You need to eat 6 small meals a day.

Weight Loss Myth – You need to eat 6 small meals a day

Weight Loss Myth – You need to eat 6 small meals a day


This goes hand in hand with the fasting point above. There is no “metabolic fire” that burns faster when eating small meals throughout your day. Your body is much smarter than needing a constant influx of calories to remain lean and healthy. You’ll stand a much better chance of diet success eating 3-4 large meals than 6 small ones.

In fact, the less meals and snacks – the better are your chances to lose weight, despite consuming the same number of calories. Each time you have a meal or a snack your body releases insulin (the fat-storing hormone) which prevents you from losing body fat.


6. Weight Loss Myth – All calories are equal.

Weight Loss Myth - All calories are equal

Weight Loss Myth – All calories are equal


I bring this point up often, because it’s important to understand. Eating 1200 calories of Doritos every day will lead you to wildly different results than eating 1200 calories of fresh vegetables, healthy fat, and protein. All calories are NOT created equal. Each bite of food you take has a different effect on your hormones which regulate fat burning, fat-storing hunger, satiety, and more.


We can look at my personal experience, I used to be overweight for most of my life. I used to get 1400 – 1600 kcal daily. I was exercising 5+ more times a week, doing loads of cardio. Despite all the hard work and feeling hungry constantly, I did not manage to lose any weight. Once I finally got fed up with getting no results, I decided to try a different approach.


After years of failure, I finally started eating the right food for my metabolic body type, allowing myself to eat up to 2200 – 2800 kcal daily. I managed to lose 40 lbs and maintain weight loss results! That is absolutely mind-blowing. I’m never coming back to the days of starving myself. You shouldn’t either. Eating healthy food is so much better than starving yourself.


7. Weight Loss Myth – Fat makes you fat.

Weight Loss Myth - Fat makes you fat

Weight Loss Myth – Fat makes you fat


Wrong. In fact, certain fats like coconut oil have been shown to help people burn more fat off of their bodies and help limit their caloric intake. Some fats are bad, for sure, such as margarine and vegetable oils. Hydrogenated or trans fats are the ones to watch out.

Don’t eat cookies! They’re so delicious, I know, however they contain large amounts of sugar and trans fats which have been linked with cardiovascular disease. Saturated fats, on the other hand, were wrongly demonized for causing heart disease in the late 1950s’, while in fact – refined carbohydrates are to blame. Refined carbohydrates raise the blood triglycerides, oxidize cholesterol in the body and cause inflammation.

If you have high triglycerides I would highly recommend you to lower refined carbohydrate consumption. Don’t be scared of eating fat, because it’s a crucial part of having healthy hormonal levels, having great health, and even losing weight.


8. Weight Loss Myth – Weigh yourself daily.

Weight Loss Myth - Weigh yourself daily

Weight Loss Myth – Weigh yourself daily


If you’re only losing 2 pounds a week and have 30 pounds to go, weighing yourself daily can be discouraging. Small results or no results might really disappoint you and make you lose motivation. However, I would not recommend you checking your weight daily even when you’re on a low carbohydrate weight loss plan where you might be losing more because you still might have fluctuations from day to day and upset yourself for no reason.

Don’t be obsessed with your weight and try checking your weight only once a week. You will feel like you’ve achieved more and that will motivate you to move forwards. By the way, check not only weight, checking your waist size is more useful. It’s a better predictor of your health.


9. Weight Loss Myth – You can’t detox or cleanse the body.

Weight Loss Myth - You can’t detox or cleanse the body

Weight Loss Myth – You can’t detox or cleanse the body


By detoxing and cleansing, I do not mean taking a scrub brush to the stomach. What I am referring to is giving your hormones, liver, and body a break from preservatives, food additives, sugar, and other toxic substances.  This is a detox that EVERYONE needs.


10. Weight Loss Myth – Eat Less. Move More.

Weight Loss Myth - Eat Less. Move More

Weight Loss Myth – Eat Less. Move More


Again, your body is a little more complex than that. Eating the RIGHT FOOD is far more important than paying attention to your calories. I will give you an example of French women – they don’t count calories and don’t exercise much. They also eat loads of cheese. Despite of their laziness, they manage to maintain a healthy weight easily. Getting obsessed about things and trying too hard might make things worse. Relax a little bit and forget that numbers exist.


11. Weight Loss Myth – We must eat carbohydrates to function properly.

Weight Loss Myth - We must eat carbohydrates to function properly

Weight Loss Myth – We must eat carbohydrates to function properly


No, we don’t. I would be dead by now if that was true. In fact, I still eat small amounts of carbohydrates daily (around 50g, I don’t count them), and to be honest, I feel better than ever in my life. I don’t have low energy levels caused by the lack of glucose in my blood or any other health issues. My health and energy levels are optimal. We don’t have to consume any carbohydrates a day to function normally, as our bodies can make glucose from protein and fat we eat.

However, I do understand that carbs taste great and it is normal to have cravings for them. Some people just couldn’t imagine a day without pasta, rice or cakes and I do respect that. It’s a personal choice. Sadly, some of us tend to gain large amounts of weight by eating these foods and we have to remove them from our diets for our own good.



Summary of The Top 11 Biggest Weight Loss Myths stopping your Weight Loss:


1. Lose weight slowly – it’s safer.

2. You should never fast or skip breakfast (or stop eating).

3. Cardio is the ultimate way to burn fat.

4.  Exercise A LOT when trying to lose weight.

5. You need to eat 6 small meals a day.

6. All calories are equal.

7.  Fat makes you fat.

8. Weigh yourself daily.

9. You can’t detox or cleanse the body.

10. Eat Less. Move More.

11. We must eat carbohydrates to function properly.




I hope I answered your question of Why am I not Losing Weight? Hopefully you’ve enjoyed The Top 11 Biggest Weight Loss Myths. Now you should be able to see that not only calories matter, weight loss is way more than counting calories, eating less and exercising more.

My goal here was to share something new and useful with you so that you would know what is stopping your weight loss, and this will help you with your weight loss journey. I highly encourage you to never give up and aim for your dreams. Take care of your body and make sure all food you eat is rich in nutrients! The 11 biggest weight loss myths are debunked now!


How do you lose weight then?

You can watch my YouTube video, How To Lose Belly Fat Without Counting Calories or Exercising – 5 WEIGHT LOSS TIPS that WORK! where I talk about how our hormones affect weight loss.

I hear phrases like: Why am I not Losing Weight? I’m eating less and exercising more, I’m counting my calories and doing cardio 5 days a week, and I’m not losing weight…  purely because of misinformation. It is important for all of us to unlearn the wrong information and change our behaviours when needed.


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