How to Lose Belly Fat Without Calorie Counting or Exercising too much? A Nutritionist Shares 5 Life-changing Fat Loss Tips that actually work. If you are wondering how you can finally get rid of that stubborn belly fat, you tried different things and nothing worked, then you’re in the right place! Read my 5 science-based belly fat loss tips, that don’t require counting calories, going on low-calorie diets or exercising too much. My proven fat loss methods will make a real difference in your life. Stop struggling while following the outdated weight loss advice and learn how to lose belly fat easily.


How to Lose Belly Fat Without Counting Calories or Exercising too much | Nutritionist shares tips

How to Lose Belly Fat Without Calorie Counting or Exercising too much | Nutritionist shares 5 life-changing tips


You will learn How to Lose Belly Fat Without Counting Calories or exercising too much.

I’m sharing the most effective strategies for weight loss and especially reducing belly fat because I see too many people doing this wrong. So first, before we start, let’s bust some myths that are standing in your way!


How to lose belly fat without counting calories or exercising too much?

How to lose belly fat without calorie counting or exercising too much?



Myth number 1 – Eat Less, Move More will help you to permanently lose weight.

Eat Less - Move More Myth

Eat Less – Move More Myth


Eat Less, Move More is probably the most common weight loss advice out there. We hear it over and over again. In fact, we heard it so many times that we don’t even question it. If it’s common sense, it must be right? What if, I tell you, that you don’t have to count your calories, go on low-calorie diets or do cardio 7 days a week? This simply doesn’t work! In fact, 91% of people who lose weight by reducing their calories and increasing their physical activity regain all the lost weight back within 1 – 5 years, if not sooner!


The truth is that the more you starve yourself, deprive yourself of energy and vital nutrients, the more you exercise like crazy – your body increases resistance and makes it impossible to maintain lost weight long-term. How does your body do it? It does it by increasing hunger and cravings. Making you eat everything you see and become lazy… Doing all it takes to bring things back to normal…


Myth number 2 – Weight loss pills and shakes are effective long-term weight loss.

Weight Loss Pills and Permanent Weight Loss

Weight Loss Pills and Permanent Weight Loss


Another myth we have to move out of the way is that you need to take some magic pills or shakes in order to lose weight. I know, it might sound attractive to take a shortcut and get where you want without correcting your lifestyle. However, these false promises won’t bring you permanent results. Why? It is simply unsustainable. It’s a scam. Let’s be realistic, you can’t just live on magical shakes for the rest of your life, it’s not a fairy tale… What happens when you stop? Bam! You’re back to where you were before.


In the future, use this simple rule to recognise effective long-term weight loss methods from quick fixes. If the weight loss approach is something impossible to maintain for the rest of your life, weight loss won’t last either. Run, and don’t look back! And, the opposite, if the weight loss method is sustainable and is targeting the root cause of weight gain (which is an unhealthy lifestyle) then you will be able to achieve permanent weight loss results.


So, if calorie counting, intense exercising, and magical stuff don’t work, what should you do to lose that stubborn belly fat??


What is the magical key to permanent weight loss and belly fat loss in particular?? It’s balancing your hormones! I know, I know… It doesn’t sound as catchy as the good-old “eat less move more”. But that’s what the real stuff, that you have to be doing if you want to lose belly fat fast and permanently. This works for everyone, women, men, healthy and unhealthy individuals.


If your goal is to lose belly fat, you have to follow these 5 simple steps that will balance out your hormones. Simple… No rocket science here, only a bit of biochemistry, to make the weight loss advice science-based and effective.


Still interested in how to lose belly fat? Good, let’s get straight to the point.


These 5 strategies target the underlying root cause of weight gain, rather than focusing on quick fixes such as low-calorie diets, intense unsustainable exercise regimens or weight loss pills that will make your body go out of whack! So, if you want to know How to Lose Belly Fat Without Counting Calories, this is it.



These are my 5 best Tips on How to Lose Belly Fat Without Calorie Counting or Exercising too much (all backed up by science):


  • Reduce your carbs.
  • Reduce your frequency of eating.
  • Manage your stress.
  • Sleep well.
  • Don’t over-exercise.


Let’s look into each of these in some more detail. I will explain why this works and back it up by scientific evidence if at this point you still have any doubts. I understand it’s a lot to take in. Especially if you’re a big believer in calories like I was a couple of years ago. I will prove to you right now why you should shift your attention away from calorie counting and exercising too much, trying to achieve a caloric deficit, into a more sustainable holistic approach.


You can watch my YouTube video on How to Lose Belly Fat Without Calorie Counting below or keep reading.




1. How to Lose Belly Fat – Reduce your carbs.


Carbs spike your fat-storing hormone Insulin the most from all macronutrients. The more carbs you eat, the more insulin you secrete. A high amount of insulin in your system means you will be having a really hard time trying to lose weight, especially belly fat. High levels of insulin make you store fat around your belly, and that’s where you can get the fastest results once you cut your carbs.

Reduce Your Carbs - Carbs spike your fat-storing hormone insulin the most

How to lose belly fat without calorie counting – Reduce Your Carbs. Carbs spike your fat-storing hormone insulin the most


However, don’t get me wrong. Not all carbs are equal. When I say – reduce your carbs, I mean the “bad carbs”, such as pasta, rice, potatoes, cookies, cakes, etc. Why are they bad? They don’t have as many nutrients compared to other foods you could eat instead. They spike insulin the most and sometimes make you more harm than good. In contrast, you can still have good carbs. Foods like salad, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, tomatoes, and all the other non-starchy carbs as these are nutrient-rich, high fibre foods that won’t spike your insulin as much.


How will reducing carbs affect your weight loss? Check out this highest quality study – Meta-analysis of Randomised Control Trials. It is a trusted source of scientific evidence because it is a summary of several clinical studies, that were evaluated, assessed for quality, and the conclusion was found based on the findings.


Quick summary:

A meta-analysis of RCTs (randomised controlled trials) which included 68,128 participants has found that when compared with other dietary interventions of similar intensity, evidence from RCTs does not support low-fat diets over other dietary interventions for long-term weight loss. This meta-analysis also found that when low carbohydrate diets are compared with low-fat diets for weight loss, subjects from low carbohydrate diet groups always achieve greater weight loss results. Included study duration was > 1 year, only RCTs were included and the methodology used was high standard, making these findings trustworthy.


You can read the study HERE.


Also, you can read the article explaining how Carbohydrates cause fat gain:

The Carbohydrate-Insulin Model of Obesity: Beyond ‘Calories In, Calories Out’



2. How to Lose Belly Fat – Reduce your frequency of eating.


Reduce the Frequency of Eating

How to lose belly fat without calorie counting – Reduce the Frequency of Eating


This one also works with insulin. The more frequently you will eat – the more insulin you will secrete. Eating – 2 – 3 larger meals a day instead of 5 – 6 smaller ones can help you to lose that extra belly fat. How do you do it? You can simply skip breakfast now and then and don’t snack between your meals. Of course, you will have to include enough nutrients in your meals so that you would feel full and satisfied all day long.


Read studies about the frequency of eating and weight loss here:




3. How to Lose Belly Fat – Manage your stress.


Manage your stress

How to lose belly fat without calorie counting – Manage your stress


Did you know that when you are overly stressed, you increase the stress hormone cortisol? Elevated cortisol makes you store excess belly fat. Managing your stress is a crucial step in getting rid of belly fat fast.

You can read the study here:

Stress-induced Cortisol Response and Fat Distribution in Women


 4. How to Lose Belly Fat – Sleep well.


How to lose belly fat - Sleep Well

How to lose belly fat without calorie counting – Sleep Well


This one links to both, cortisol and insulin. When you don’t sleep enough or your sleep quality is poor, your body is under stress. You have elevated cortisol and insulin, which both contribute to accumulating belly fat. In addition, you burn most of the fat while sleeping. If you don’t sleep enough, weight loss can become impossible. Moreover, being sleep deprived puts you at a greater risk of making poor food choices. You should definitely get at least 8 hours of good-quality sleep a night if you want to burn that belly fat effectively. One recent trial found that better sleep quality increased the likelihood of weight-loss success by 33%.

You can read the study HERE.



5. How to Lose Belly Fat – Don’t over-exercise.


How to lose belly fat - Don't over exercise

How to lose belly fat without calorie counting – Don’t over-exercise


This one relates to cortisol and other adrenal hormones. Over-exercising leads to increased stress. Stress leads to fat gain around your mid-section. In fact, many people report not being able to lose weight when they exercise intensively 5 to 7 times a week. Whereas, the same people report improved weight loss results once they cut the number of workouts or change the intensity. For example, going for long walks instead of running.

Summary of the study:

Collectively, the cortisol findings support the view that moderate to high-intensity exercise provokes increases in circulating cortisol levels. These increases seem due to a combination of hemoconcentration and HPA axis stimulus (ACTH). In contrast, low-intensity exercise (40%) does not result in significant increases in cortisol levels, but, once corrections for plasma volume reduction occurred and circadian factors were examined, low-intensity exercise actually resulted in a reduction in circulating cortisol levels.

You can read the study HERE.


In summary

How to Lose Belly Fat Without Calorie Counting or Exercising too much? You simply have to correct your lifestyle. There’s no way around it. And it’s not as difficult as you may think. Make sure you don’t binge on carbs. Try replacing starchy carbs like rice, potatoes, pasta with less starchy, healthier options like broccoli and cauliflower rice, zucchini, tomatoes, spinach, kale, cabbage etc. Also, don’t snack constantly. Try sticking with 3 meals a day with no snacks in between. Include enough protein and fat in your diet so that you wouldn’t feel hungry between the meals. In addition, make sure you manage your stress well. Go for walks, spend time outdoors, practice deep breathing, meditation, and positive thinking.


Furthermore, don’t forget to get those 8 hours of good quality sleep each night. Make sure it’s quiet and dark in your bedroom, reduce the screen time before bed. In addition, chose lighter types of exercise, especially if you’re stressed already. You can try out swapping running to walking or yoga. To sum up, these 5 simple strategies will help to balance out your hormones and remove the root cause of your weight gain. Implement these 5 tips and you will know how to lose belly fat without calorie counting!



Also read:

Can I eat what I want, count calories, and still lose weight? 

Can I eat what I want, count calories, and still lose weight?