This blog post is all about ozone therapy benefits and uses. The benefits of ozone therapy are quite impressive! They range from killing bacteria and viruses, treating auto immune diseases, increasing steam cells, to treating cancer. In fact, medical ozone has been used to treat different health conditions, including infections, for around 200 years. Oxygen-ozone therapy was used for medical purposes since around 1857. The discovery of the antimicrobial properties of ozone revolutionized medicine, before the invention of antibiotics.
However, as it’s not a drug, and it cannot be patented, and be profitable for certain companies, and it’s not as convenient as simply taking a pill, it got replaced with antibiotics. Antibiotics can be lifesaving sometimes, but they are highly overprescribed. Which can create permanent imbalances in our microbiome, which leads to a bunch of other health problems. Also, antibiotics are known to create antibiotic resistant superbugs. Ozone can overcome all of this. So, it is definitely worth looking into it.
You can read my blog post or watch my video, explaining Ozone Therapy Benefits HERE.
Table of Contents
What is Ozone?
Before looking into the benefits of ozone therapy, what is ozone? Ozone is a naturally occurring, highly reactive gas with powerful oxidizing properties. Reactive and oxidising. It sounds bad. FDA says, Ozone is a toxic gas with no known useful medical application in specific, adjunctive, or preventive therapy. So according to them, it’s toxic and it has no benefits. We’ll see about that… Oxygen or O2 in the air we breathe is two atoms of oxygen attached together. Ozone is three atoms of oxygen attached together forming an O3 molecule.

Before ozone therapy benefits, what is ozone?
Ozone is formed from oxygen, by electrical discharges or ultraviolet light. Ozone is the molecule that you can smell in the air after a thunderstorm. The naturally occurring ozone in the atmosphere is formed through the interaction of solar ultraviolet radiation or (UV), with oxygen. But that’s not the ozone we use for ozone therapy.

How is ozone formed?
We can create ozone, by using medical ozone generators. These machines use electric discharge to produce ozone by splitting the normal oxygen molecules in the air into single atoms. These atoms then attach to other O2 molecules in the air to form ozone (O3). An electrical discharge, or spark, creates ozone.
How Does Ozone Work in the Body?
Ozone therapy is an alternative medical treatment that introduces ozone to the body. Ozone therapy floods your body with small amounts of ozone in a controlled way. When this ozone enters your body, the extra oxygen atom reacts with your cells almost immediately and forms a free radicals. Well, free radicals in the correct dose, are not always bad. It’s a very healthy stress that makes you stronger, similar to exercise.

Ozone Therapy Benefits: How Does Ozone Work in the Body?
When ozone comes into contact with the body, it increases oxygen supply in every cell of the body, and causes a chain reaction of events, that help us to fight a variety of health conditions.
The Health Benefits of Ozone Therapy.
1. Ozone Therapy Kills Bacteria and Viruses.
The first and probably the most important benefit of ozone therapy, is its ability to inactivate or kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa. It is basically the most powerful disinfectant. Ozone is used for disinfecting contaminated areas, medical tools, purify water, disinfect wounds, and treat various infections and infectious diseases, including HIV, SARS, Herpes, shingles, lime disease, and many others.
Ozone has been useful in treating a variety of infections. One of the examples is in treating Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). This bacterium causes a severe infection, and is referred to as a “superbug” because it is highly resistant to most antibiotics. Ozone therapy was shown to successfully break down the cell walls of this bacteria, destroying it, while regular treatments fail.

Ozone therapy benefits: virus inactivation seems to happen through the surrounding envelope damage.
When it comes to enveloped viruses, such as seen in this pandemic, virus inactivation seems to happen through the surrounding envelope damage. Ozone destroys this type of virus by breaking through the outer shell into the core, resulting in damage to the viral genetic material. Meaning, it is damaged, and can no longer replicate. When I was doing my first ozone treatment at a clinic, the doctor told me how she treated one of her colleagues, who has been infected with this virus. It took only 2 or 3 ozone therapy sessions to achieve full recovery.
2. Ozone Therapy Modulates the Immune System.
The next benefit of ozone therapy is its ability to modulate the immune system. Some people might want to increase their immune system to help them fight an infection. In these people, ozone will boost their immune system. While someone with overly reactive immune system would like it calmed down. Let’s say if you have an autoimmune disease, where your immune system is attacking your own body tissues, ozone would calm it down.
A 2018 study on 32 HIV-Aids patients, who received 15 ozone therapy sessions, found that participants had a significant decrease in viral load, where it reached undetectable values. They checked these patients again after 2 years, and the results were maintained at 2 years. These participants achieved a permanent activation of the immune system, and had improved quality of life. So is it actually irreversible? Well, ozone therapy helps to bring virus to undetectable levels. Can we say that ozone therapy has no medical uses? I don’t think so.
3. Ozone Therapy Helps to Prevent Strokes and Heart Attacks.
Another benefit of ozone therapy is helping to prevent strokes and heart attacks, and helping to repair the damage after someone had a stroke or a heart attack. One study found that stroke patients recovered their upper limb motor function faster after ozone therapy. Then, there’s another research article talking about ozone therapy benefits in ischemic heart disease, and myocardial infarction.
They describe how ozone creates a significant anti-inflammatory effect. It lowers pro-inflammatory cytokines, reduces platelet aggregation, and stimulates the release of growth factors. Oxygen-ozone therapy is used in the prevention and treatment of ischemic heart disease and for post-infarction rehabilitation. Also, ozone therapy may help patients with chronic heart failure. The benefits are never ending.
4. Next Benefit of Ozone Therapy: Ability to Inactivate Cancer Cells.
Then, the next benefit of ozone therapy is its ability to inactivate cancer cells. There are sadly not many studies done on ozone for cancer. It seems that for some reason, there’s not enough funding for this type of research. Most of studies I found focused on using ozone therapy as an additional treatment for cancer, not as the main treatment.
These trials show reduced toxicity from chemotherapy, increased responsiveness to treatment, and better survival rates. Overall, in vitro studies show that ozone can induce direct damage on tumor cells, enhance the effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. While animal studies also demonstrate additional immune modulation, and tumour hypoxia effects when using ozone.

Ozone Therapy Benefits: It helps to kill cancer cells.
One doctor who practises ozone therapy at his clinic, shared a story where a stage 4 cancer patient came to him, as a last resort. She had a scan, where it was seen that her cancer has spread to other organs, including her liver. She was told by her regular doctor that she has 2 months left to live.
The alternative medicine doctor put her on a high doze ozone therapy treatment, where she had several sessions. She came back to her regular doctor for another full body scan after 1 month of intense ozone treatment. The doctor couldn’t believe. Cancer was gone. It was fully reversed. Her scans after just 1 month of ozone treatment showed no more cancer.
For some reason, high quality randomised controlled trials are not funded. No one is interested in this life saving treatment, because again, it doesn’t bring profits for certain companies.
5. Ozone Therapy Stimulating the Production of Steam Cells.
Another benefit of ozone that I wanted to discuss in more detail is stimulating the production of steam cells. Ozone Therapy boosts your body’s stem cell release, which is important because stem cells offer a source of replacement cells to treat various health conditions. Ozone therapy increases stem cells that can become bone cells, cartilage cells, muscle cells, or anything else the body needs to repair and regenerate. It is very useful in arthritis, and Spinal Disc Herniations.

Ozone Therapy for Spinal Disc Herniations..
It can help to restore lost tissues. Ozone therapy has been used to treat disc herniation for more than four decades. There are several papers describing results and mechanism of action. Although ozone therapy showed excellent results in the majority of spinal diseases, it is not yet fully accepted within the medical community. Again, excellent results, for otherwise, irreversible conditions, but lack of acceptance in the medical community, and lack of funding for further studies.
Other Benefits and Uses of Ozone Therapy.
And there are many other uses and benefits of ozone therapy. It is helpful for:
Chronic or Acute Infections (bacterial, fungal, or viral), Lyme Disease, Herpes Simplex, shingles, Mold and Yeast Infections, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthritis, Colitis/Crohns disease, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Allergies, Asthma, Acne, Cancer, Dementia, Chemical Sensitivities, Low Immunity, Acute Hearing Loss, Macular Degeneration and so on. Is it fair to say that ozone has no health benefits? I don’t think so.
Why is Ozone Therapy Illegal?
According to the FDA, ozone therapy has no proven health benefits. They ignore all the studies and put people who practice it in their clinics to prison. Ozone helps people to permanently get healthy, which is not in their interests. They want returning clients.
Is Ozone Therapy Actually Dangerous?
That depends on how you use it. When inhaled, ozone can damage the lungs. Relatively low amounts can cause chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath and throat irritation. That’s what they mean, when they say ozone is toxic. But, if you get a proper safe procedure, where medical ozone is administered to you by a trained health professional, it is totally safe.
I personally have my own ozone machine at home, and do ozone therapy almost every day. But you can have it done for you by a health care professional in a clinic. There are various ways ozone can be administered, ranging from injecting it directly, drawing blood and ozonating it, and then putting it back, applying it directly on infected or damaged areas, or doing rectal insufflation. The benefits of ozone therapy are absolutely impressive, I couldn’t even cover all of them, so feel free to do extra research.
Next, make sure to read my blog post about Zeolite Detox.