In this blog post I talk about the best keto bars that you can buy. I will explain what to look for when choosing healthy keto bars, so that next time, you’re looking for keto snacks, you could get the healthiest option.
Table of Contents
So First, Why and When Would You Want to Eat Keto Bars?
There are many people who lack simple keto snacks, that they can bring to work, or have at times when they’re travelling somewhere and can’t have a prepared keto meal.
It is a good idea to have some healthy keto snacks on hand when you’re traveling, or hiking because it can help you to stay on keto! Also, people trying to gain weight on keto should consider regularly eating keto bars, as it is an easy way to add some extra healthy calories.
You can either read this blog post or watch my YouTube video.
As a Keto Nutritionist, What Would be my Criteria When Choosing the Best Keto Bars?
So firstly, it should be low in carbs, ideally, no more than 3 to 4 grams of carbs per bar.
Then next, the bar should be meeting the specific requirements to be classified as a keto bar. Keto is low in carbs, high in fat, and low to moderate in protein. While any type of high protein bars would be way less healthy and not as suitable for the ketogenic diet. Excess protein promotes faster ageing and cancer, we should never consume too much protein.
Then, the next very important thing to look at, is the ingredient list. If you see a bunch of artificial ingredients such as artificial sweeteners, or poor quality protein, such as soy protein isolates, you’re buying junk food. And that simply ruins the whole purpose of doing keto.
We follow keto to switch away from junk food, improve our heath, and lose excess weight if needed. We shouldn’t be replacing high carb junk food with low carb junk food. When choosing keto bars, make sure they are healthy!

Healthy vs Unhealthy Keto Bars
As an example of an unhealthy keto bar, I will use the high protein Atkins bar. They say – high protein, low sugar. What they don’t say on the front packaging is that it’s full of low-quality artificial ingredients.
The first ingredient on the list – polydextrose. What is polydextrose? Polydextrose is a synthetic polymer of glucose. Polydextrose can cause intestinal gas, bloating, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. Polydextrose is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in single doses of more than 50 grams or in daily doses of more than 90 grams.
Wow, that’s interesting. It’s the first ingredient on the label meaning there’s a high amount of it in this bar. They definitely didn’t think about health when creating these bars.
Then, they have soy protein, in places like US this will also be genetically modified. Then, the sweeteners, Maltitol, Xylitol, and Sucralose. Two unhealthy sugar alcohols, that I wouldn’t recommend, Maltitol is much worse. It has a GI or glycemic index of 35. We should be aiming for a GI of 0 or very close to zero.
And then sucralose, an artificial sweetener that is ultra-processed. One study found that sucralose increases blood glucose and insulin levels while decreasing insulin sensitivity. Meaning it increases your insulin resistance.
So these Atkins bars might be low in the actual sugar, which is then replaced with similar compounds that might even be worse than sugar.
Then other ingredients, hydrolized wheat gluten, soy oil, skimmed milk powder. It seems that this bar contains all the junk ingredients that I try to avoid.
Now, what would a healthy keto bar look like. I searched through the whole internet, and came across this healthy keto bar brand. The fattbars. That is the only affordable keto bar brand with only clean healthy whole food ingredients that I could find.
They are gluten free, soy free, sugar free, sweetener free, and they are keto. One 30 gram bar has only 1 to 3 grams of carbs. I think most have 2 grams per bar. While regular bars such as naked bars, that I used to buy before have around 18 grams of carbs per bar.
So there’s definitely a huge difference. Also, these keto bars are high in prebiotic fibre that is so essential for a healthy microbiome.
Here’s an example ingredient list of one of the fattbars:
Chicory Extract, Almonds, Macadamia Nuts, Pecan Nuts, Water, Inulin, Natural Flavouring, Sea Salt.
Now, there’s nothing artificial, there’s nothing that shouldn’t be there. Only healthy, clean keto ingredients.
I ordered some of these bars, tried them, and I have to say they’re really good. They have many different flavours, my favourite was the salted caramel. It’s really good. So, if you’re looking for a healthy keto bar brand, or a healthy keto snack, you should definitely try the fat bars, and stay away from Atkins bars!
You can order these healthy keto bars here:
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