What are the 3 biggest nutrition myths of All Times? Nutrition myths that prevent so many people from getting healthy and permanently losing weight. You’ll learn about these 3 biggest nutrition myths and the reasons why you should unlearn them. When it comes to the biggest nutrition myths, there’s an endless list that I could talk about. I hear these nutrition myths over and over again. These myths are responsible for the chronic disease and obesity epidemic we have today.
I picked the 3 biggest and the most important nutrition myths, that prevent people all over the world from getting healthy and permanently losing weight. I will list the common claims made by the health and weight loss experts, and explain why are they wrong.
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The First Nutrition Myth – Fat Is Bad For You.
The first nutrition myth – Fat is bad for you – no, all cells in our bodies are made of fat, our brains are mostly fat, our hormones are made of fat. We need healthy sources of fat in our diets. By healthy I mean everything except refined vegetable oils and trans fats. These are ultra-processed and toxic. Vegetable oils are high in omega 6 inflammatory oils, they cause a lot of inflammation in our bodies. And if that wasn’t enough, these refined vegetable oils get oxidised or rancid when heated, and this causes a huge toxicity in the body. Refined vegetable oils increase inflammation, insulin resistance, depression, and they simply should not be a part of your diet.

The First Nutrition Myth – Fat Is Bad For You.
The Second Biggest Nutrition Myth – Saturated Fat Is Unhealthy.
Then next, the second biggest nutrition myth – Saturated fat is unhealthy, it raises LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and CVD related mortalities – wrong. Saturated fat may increase LDL, but elevated LDL does not increase CVD risk or related mortalities.

The second nutrition myth – Saturated fat is unhealthy, it increases the LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Research about Ancel Keys and his falsified study proving that saturated fats are harmful. This study and a few other small poorly conducted studies are at the core of the recommendations to reduce saturated fat. And check out at least 5 recent systematic review studies that found no link between saturated fat, dietary cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease risk. Hopefully, in a few years’ time, we’ll see some changes in the dietary recommendations to lower saturated fat. There’s simply no proof that it is harmful to us. In fact, none talks about it, but saturated fat is very important for good health. We would not be able to survive without it.

Ancel Keys and his falsified study proving that saturated fats are harmful. The lipid heart disease hypothesis is a lie.
The Third Biggest Nutrition Myth – A Ketogenic Diet Is Dangerous.
And the third biggest nutrition myth – A Ketogenic diet is dangerous, it’s high in fat and protein – no. It’s high in fat, low in sugar, low in carbs, and moderate in protein. A well-formulated clean low carb keto diet doesn’t contain any processed foods, contains only organic/wild/grass-fed animal proteins in moderate amounts. It consists of high amounts of low carbohydrate vegetables, 7-10 servings of non-starchy veggies a day, nuts, seeds, and berries.

The Third Biggest Nutrition Myth – A Ketogenic Diet Is Dangerous.
This diet produces more ATP (which is energy units), fewer free radicals, it activates autophagy or cellular rejuvenation, in other words, and lowers the mTOR pathway, which is all about faster growth, damage, and death. The mTOR pathway is activated when we eat a diet that is high in carbs and protein, or one of them. Fat is the macronutrient that triggers this faster aging and death pathway the least. Fat is the most healing antiaging macronutrient that is safe to consume in high amounts. Keto keeps the mTOR, blood glucose, and insulin at low levels, and that is the key to a long and healthy life.
Also, if the keto diet is successfully used for treating t2 diabetes, dementia, some types of cancers, epilepsy, and it’s the most effective diet for weight loss, maybe it’s not that bad after all? I could go on and on for hours explaining why the low carb keto diet is healthy, but I already discussed it in some of my other blog posts and YouTube videos. Feel free to check out my video where I talk about the most misunderstood diet in the world, and I compare it with the regular dietary recommendations.
If you’re new to my blog, my name is Greta and I’m an online nutritionist and a health coach who supports the clean low carb keto diet. I’m the founder of Advanced Nutrition and Health. Visit my YouTube channel for more educational content.
If you would like to be personally coached by me, join my Clean Low Carb Keto + Intermittent Fasting Health and Weight Loss Coaching Program, where I teach you how to eat right, how to sleep better, how to manage your stress using stress management techniques, how to be more active and what supplements to take. Join here, I do things differently.
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