In this blog post, I talk about heavy metal detox with zeolites. I explain a simple heavy metal detox protocol using zeolites, that causes no risk to health. Unlike some other types of heavy metal detoxification procedures that are far riskier and must be completed with the supervision of a healthcare professional. Zeolite has been rated: Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) for human consumption by the FDA.
Table of Contents
Zeolite Uses.
When it comes to health, Zeolite has many different uses, starting heavy metal detox, mould detox, removing other harmful compounds from the body, killing harmful bacteria and viruses, such as herpes, improving wound healing, improving acne, to being used for treating cancer, where it was found to prolong life span and decrease tumour size in animal studies, and decrease the negative side effect caused by chemotherapy in human studies. So, it has some pretty amazing health benefits and many different uses. I’ll talk about zeolite dosage, particle size, and explain all you need to know for a safe and effective heavy metal detox at home.
Steps to Follow Before Detoxifying.
Before detoxifying from heavy metals, it’s important to eliminate as many as possible sources of heavy metal toxicity. What’s the point of detoxifying, if you will keep getting high levels of heavy metals entering your body? The first step is to reduce the exposure of heavy metals. There are many possible ways how heavy metals can get into your body causing heavy metal toxicity. If you’re constantly exposed to more heavy metals than what your body can detoxify, you will get the negative health effects caused by these heavy metals. Examples of heavy metals include mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, and chromium. And there are a lot more.
You can watch my video about heavy metal toxicity, where I explain all the main sources of heavy metals in our bodies, you should watch it first, and then continue reading this blog post.
Why Would Anyone Want to do a Heavy Metal Detox?
No matter how healthy is your lifestyle, how many supplements and green smoothies do you take on a daily bases, we’re all exposed to heavy metals which accumulate in our bodies, disturbing normal body’s functions and causing diseases. Some of us will have more heavy metals than others, but still, everyone should do a heavy metal detox at least once in a while, to help our bodies to detoxify from things that are so difficult to get rid of. Heavy metals can bind to molecules in our bodies very tightly, displacing vital minerals, and disturbing normal body’s functions.
Often times, you’ll have a health problem, and go to see your doctor. Explain your symptoms, and wait for an explanation, diagnosis, and treatment to help you get better. But sometimes, no doctor can find what’s actually wrong with you. No one can give you a clear diagnosis. And no one can help you to get better.
It is also common to get a wrong diagnosis, and get treated for diseases that you don’t even have. And as regular doctors focus of treating disease symptoms, instead of finding and correcting the cause of the problem, they tend to treat all the separate symptoms with medication, without realising, that correcting that one thing, would resolve everything else. This mysterious thing that most doctors fail to find is often a heavy metal toxicity.
Many diseases share the same symptoms and can easily be confused with something else. You might always feel tired, have brain fog, struggle to remember things, have anxiety or depression, with no clear cause. Struggle to sleep, or have skin problems like acne or cellulite. Regular doctors would not look for the root cause, and certainly wouldn’t think about possible heavy metal toxicity. While all of these symptoms could be caused by dangerously high levels of heavy metals accumulating in your body.
If left unnoticed for many years, heavy metal toxicity in the body can increase free radicals and cause oxidative stress, speeding up aging, damaging molecules such as proteins, lipids, and our DNA. Heavy metal toxicity is often involved in diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, autism, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and many other conditions.
Heavy metals are found in the brains of dementia patients. In particular, aluminium is the main heavy metal that is found in Alzheimer’s disease patient brains. Aluminium can be found everywhere from cookware, care products, vaccines, to our drinking water. It’s important to reduce our exposure to this toxic metal as much as possible, and do all what’s possible to remove the existing aluminium out of our bodies as soon as possible, to prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
Removing heavy metals out of your body on a regular basis is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Without regularly detoxifying heavy metals, they accumulate and poison your body. Chronic heavy metal exposure can increase your risk of diseases, drain your energy, cause inflammation, brain damage, and even make you live less.
How do You Remove these Heavy Metals from Your Body?
You do a heavy metal detox. A heavy metal detox aims to remove excess heavy metals from the body. To effectively remove metals, you must use a substance that can bind to heavy metals. It is called a chelator. The process where you use these substances to remove heavy metals out of the body is called chelation, or chelation therapy. Or a heavy metal detox.
Chelation can be done with intravenous or oral therapies, that all have their uses, benefits and risks. Examples include EDTA, DMSA, DMPS, and natural substances such as chlorella, coriander, activated charcoal, modified citrus pectin, and zeolite. Natural substances can be used for a gentler heavy metal detoxification. My favourite is definitely zeolites.

Natural vs synthetic chelating agents for a heavy metal detox.
What are Zeolites? Heavy Metal Detox With Zeolites.
Zeolite is a natural volcanic mineral that is formed as a result of the chemical reaction between volcanic glass and saline water. There are several different types of natural zeolite mineral. Zeolite Clinoptilolite is the most common natural zeolite that I will be talking about.

What is the composition of zeolite?
Zeolites are the aluminosilicates, and mainly consist of silicon, aluminum, and oxygen. You would think, wait a second, aluminium? Aluminium and silicon make the basis of this structure. But it is so stable, impossible to break down, able to survive extreme high temperatures, and other harsh environments such as high acidity, that there is no potential risk of this aluminium harming you in any way. It acts as a molecular sieve, going through your body, and trapping heavy metals.
What Heavy Metals are Detoxified With Zeolite?
Does it help to detoxify aluminium? Yes, studies show, zeolite helps you to detoxify from aluminium, arsenic, lead, mercury and other heavy metals. You can see it in this diagram.

What heavy metals are detoxified with zeolite?
How do Zeolites Help You to Detox?
Its unique negative charge helps to attract harmful positively charged substances, such as heavy metals, pesticides, and even radiation, as all of these are positively charged. Zeolite is attracted to the toxins, like a magnet. It sucks them up into its cage structure. These dangerous substances become trapped in zeolite, and are then safely and gently carried out of the body.

How zeolite works and helps you to detoxify from heavy metals?
Zeolite Particle Size and Its Function for Detox.
Now, depending on different zeolite particle size, it will have a different function. Small particle size Zeolite can travel deep into your tissues and pull heavy metals out of your body. While larger particle size zeolites stay in the gut and act as binding agents. Both are beneficial, small ones are more important. But using both in combination is the most effective. It provides the best detoxification.
So what size zeolite particles do you need? I would suggest having two separate products, one small, particle size 0.32 – 1.36, or similar. And larger particle, average size 25, or similar. If you can choose only one product, the smaller one is better, as it reaches deeper tissues.
How to Take Zeolite For a Heavy Metal Detox?
It’s important to take enough. More, is better than not enough. You’re more likely to experience unpleasant detoxification symptoms when you don’t take enough. As a general rule, if you feel bad, it’s a sigh of successful detoxification, which indicates, you should probably take a little more. As always, discuss with a health professional if you need more guidance.
You can add to a glass 0.5 grams of the small particle size Zeolite, 1.5 grams of larger particle size zeolite, and around 150-200 ml of water. Mix it well and drink it. Around 20-30 minutes before or after eating. And repeat it 3 times a day. After breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

How to take zeolite, small and large particle size?
After the first 2 weeks of detoxification, you can increase the doze to 1 gram of small size zeolite, and 2 grams of large zeolite, 3 times a day. If you take only large zeolite, it can be 3 to 5 grams, 3 times a day. If you take only small size zeolite, it should be 1 gram 3 times a day. As always, if you have questions, you can do extra research, or consult with a health professional.

How to take zeolite for a heavy metal detox?
Where to Get High Quality Zeolite Supplement for a Heavy Metal Detox?
Make sure to not get any liquid zeolites, and not get a poor-quality product. Look for pure, high quality powders, not contaminated with other heavy metals, and choose the right particle size. Here are the Amazon links to order high quality Zeolite Powder.
Small Zeolite UK, Large Zeolite UK, Small Zeolite US, Small to Large Zeolite US.